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What We Do

Madagascar, an Island situated in the Indian Ocean, is considered as a biodiversity hotspot, as over 90% of its wildlife cannot be found elsewhere on Earth. The everyday population in the Island depends on the land and any resources surrounding them.

Madagascar is classified as one of the poorest country in the world and the weakness of the economy, the poverty, a corrupt and impotent government, lack of adequate educational system, and the list goes on, frighten more the future of the country and its population.

What would be the best hope for the country then?

In developed country, the population is taught to worry about the well-being of their own country and its citizens, whereas in many African countries like Madagascar, people get easily manipulated by politicians for their personal purposes. This situation has been going on for many decades. So, in order to go forward, the country needs its population to change their way of thinking.

“Change” is always difficult, especially when we talk about attitude and behavior. However, if the necessary tools are provided (the requisite knowledge, skills, and dispositions), social change will happen and each individual would assume moral responsibilities towards the country and its citizens, each individual would contribute effectively in politic, economic, and civic life and each individual would empower liberty, equality, and justice to all citizens.

Madagascar has over 23.5 millions population with 30.8% between the age 25-54 and in the age group 15-24 years 20.6%. The statistic shows clearly that the Island has a large young population, precisely 51.4% of the total population. Those young people will soon hold the country and its citizen’s future in hands. Thus, helping the country to move forward on the path of development would be to prepare them for citizenship, teach them to think and analyze any dictums and to stand up for themselves and others, and not acquiesce passively any situation.

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